My heart swells heavily
As I move from here and there
With no distinct direction
I crumble on the floor
With my head on my palm
It’s beats at a fastest rate
In the day and in the night
Though a little sleep might finds its way
The pump hinders it from lasting
And there I will lay
Alone in the dark wondering
My heart is heavy
As it is sheltered with fear
Fearing to live anymore
For it can carry the burden no more
With a heavy heart, a broken heart
My lonely voice cry in the night
Wondering and pondering; how? Why?
An inquiry beyond the mind
I toss and turn in my bed
Feeling if this will even change
If a miracle could happen
If it all be but just a dream or a test
And not the reality after all
My eyes are filled with tears
As they tread and trace an unhappy path
In the shadow of my world
I feel lost without a straight mind
This has never been before
Neither was it an expectation
But why now?
I only sort of an angel
To do yet another miracle
To unburden my heavy heart
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