The road is long and rough
I heard them say
Walking through the mud is weary and rough
They reemphasized
Many of us tried but couldn’t
They concluded
But there is a burning flame within me that linger
A burning passion that makes me press on
There is a zeal that makes me eager
There’s a burning desire I cannot control
My mind’s made up
I will keep the game up
I’m ready for the hustle and bustle
I will flow with the burning sensation
I will deviate from the norm
Deep down my soul
I want to burn like a candle
I want to be a light that burns
To brighten the darkest rooms
I want to be a lamp on hill
And burn bright, for everyone to see
I will kindle my flame
Never going out or dimming
Never quenching or flaming
My burning passion
Shall witness the light of the day
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