How To Overcome Alcohol Use Disorder or Alcoholism

Alcoholism has taken the lives of many youths to war in recent days. In our exposition today, we will talk about the causes, effects, or risks involved in alcoholism and its remedy.
Alcoholism is a potentially fatal disorder and an abusive intake of alcohol leads to psychological and physical dependence noted as addiction.
Alcoholism can also be referred to as the excessive or compulsive use of alcoholic drinks.
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Alcohol is derived from an Arab word called Al Kuhl or Al Ghul, Ghul is a type of Jin when taken invites spirits to control you.
Who then is an alcoholic?
An alcoholic is an individual who takes an alcoholic drink beyond the ability to control it and is unable to stop the intake.
Types of Alcohol
There are some types of alcohol in the world
- Isopropyl (Rubbing) Alcohol: This kind of alcohol is mostly used for sterilization and disinfecting surfaces, tools, and human bodies
- Methyl (Wood) Alcohol: Mostly used in/ by manufacturing companies. It can be found in products like paint removers, which Mostly cause explosions.
- Ethyl (Grain) Alcohol
This is the only alcohol that can be metabolized by the human liver in limited quantities. Because that can also cause liver damage as well as moods and behavior.
This type of alcohol is produced by fermenting sugars, yeast, and starches Example mashed Kenkey.
Some causes of Alcohol Use Disorder
- Genetic factors
- Psychological factors
- Social and environmental factors
RISK FACTORS OF Alcohol Use Disorder
- Starting to drink at an early stage
- Steady drinking over a time
- Family history
- Depression and Mental problems, people suffering from anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders are at a higher risk of contracting AUD.
- Trauma: Both Emotional and Physical traumatized people tends to depend on alcohol to ease the pains they going through.
- Social and cultural factors
The glamorous way that drinking is portrayed in the society increases the desire and the urge to drink
Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder
- A blurry vision
- Irregular speed/variation
- Loss of appetite or skip of meals
Complications of AUD on Safety
- It causes accident since the individual involved loose focus
- There is a challenge with interpersonal relationships
- Lackadaisical output at work and school
- Sexual abuse as minor become victims always
- Attempt to end one’s life due to stigmatization
Complications of AUD on Health
- Liver damage.. like liver steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
- Digestive problems: Gastritis,low level of Vitamin B1
- Heart problems like high blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction and Interrupted menstruation.
- Miscarriage and birth deformities .
- Weak Immunity
7 . Increase in contracting all kinds of Cancers.
Ways of Preventing Alcoholism
- Proper Counselling for affected individual
- Parents setting good examples for their kids
- Intervention from others / Prayers
- Self discipline
- Sense of belonging
- The ability to say No must be developed
- Good meal management skill
Kindly share to inform others
Credit : Ophelia (CEO of Pyrite Foundation)
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