The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) is calling for applications from students volunteers as NUGS-SIC Campus Secure Ambassadors (CSA).
On Saturday, 24th May, the Newly Elected Officers of the Union held the first Central Committee Meeting to discuss their plan or line of action for their turnure of office as well to engage in order deliberations pertinent to the welfare of the 10 million students they rule over. The NUGS-SIC Campus Secure policy was on of the many policies brought on board, discussed and accepted.
The NUGS-SIC Campus Secure Policy is a welfare initiative of NUGS in partnership with the State Insurance Company (SIC), to ensure the continuity of academic education of students in the unlikely event of the demise of a parent/guardian, during the course of the student’s education.
On 2nd August, 2022, the Union made a release to declare vacancy and call for students to apply as Ambassadors on various campuses of accredited institutions.
The Campus Ambassadors have a duty of ensuring that students sign up for the policy and also ensuring the visibility of the policy on various campuses. In a nut shell, the NUGS-SIC Campus Secure Ambassadors (CSA) will be responsible for enrolling colleague students on campus on the NUGS-SIC Campus Secure Insurance Scheme.
Again, it is important to note that there is financial motivation for all Ambassadors.
Interested Persons who meet the requirements slated below can file an application;
- Must be a student of any accredited tertiary institution in Ghana.
- Must be willing to enroll unto the Campus Secure Policy .
- Must be committed and determined to succeed.
- Must exhibit discipline with money.
Interested persons can as well contact the Secretary for Societies and Welfare or the Head Coordinator for SIC Campus Secure on +233546689191 / +233274608720 /+233543923563 to apply.
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