Category: Education

  • All Teachers In Ghana Embark on A Strike The Teacher Unions in Ghana today in a joint press conference reacted to the matter of Cost – Of – Living – Allowance (COLA). The Press Conference which happened, encompasses the four teacher unions, GNAT, NAGRAT, TEWU, and CCT-GH who agreed to lay down their tools until…

  • Update on Student Loan Payment and Other Matters The executive board of National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) have duly taken steps to ensure a more effective collaboration with the Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) to plan the implementation of an improved plan to enhance service to all students. The Union in their active service…

  • Know the 12 Women At Helm of Affairs Of Some Colleges of Education Often, women are seen as the weaker gender hence are sometimes denied the opportunity to do extraordinary works which the public classify as ” male dominated”. Women are perceived weak hearted and less vibrant as compared to the opposite sex due to…

  • Teacher Trainees Allowance, TTAG President assures Teacher Trainees Teacher Trainees Allowance, TTAG President assures Teacher Trainees The President of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana, Hon. Dzunu Jonathan assured teacher trainees of working around the corner to redeem the long-overdue allowance of teacher trainees. In a close interview with the President, he seeks the support…

  • E.P College of Education, Amedzope, Click To Read More Why Choose E.P. College of Education Over Other Colleges The Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education, Amedzofe (formerly Evangelical Presbyterian Training College, Amedzofe) was officially opened on February 10, 1946. The College was an off-shoot of two earlier institutions established by the Bremen Mission in the second…

  • Student Loan Trust Fund Sends An important Announcement to All Beneficiaries The Student Loan Trust Fund wishes to inform all loan applicants that, no fees are charged by the SLTF for processing of loan applications. In their release, applicant were advised only to deal with officials of the Fund and are at no point required…

  • Rules for Entering and Leaving Examination Rooms in College of Education Colleges of Education on the other hand due to their affiliations have diverse ways or rules that govern their examination. We will take you through some general rules that a student in any college of education must undergo to meet the demands of examination…

  • KG Teacher Feeds Her Pupils, Her Reason Is Heartwarming Madam Faustina Asamoah Mensah is a teacher at Bekwai Exp. Primary School. Her school of work since last week experienced break down in the school feeding components as the caterers were unable to cook for the learners. Due to this development, attendance reduced drastically and it…

  • Offinso College Of Education Hold It’s 3rd Principal’s Excellence Awards For Outstanding Students On Wednesday 22nd of June, 2022, the Principal of Offinso College of Education, Very Rev. Joseph Nkyi Asamoah, and the college management organized PRINCIPAL’S EXCELLENCE AWARDS CEREMONY for 96 students (Level 100 & 400 Students) The ceremony was the third of its…

  • Samini To Rule GIMPA For 2022/2023 Academic Year Emmanuel Andrews Samini as affectionately known in the world of music as Samini was declared the substantive elected SRC President for the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration(GIMPA). The veteran musician is a student of the above mentioned school who contested for the enviable position of…