The thoughts of thou
Carrying the burden
Enduring the pains
Being conscious of all measures
Craving to keep fit
Till the nine anxious months arrived
Pricks my heart
As I see myself in thy shoes

Thou art created for a reason
To matter in the season
In a bond of love
Thou bringeth forth a dove
In pain and sorrow
In all thy struggles of life
Giving it livelihood

Thou art the sterling teacher
Scolding not to take vengeance
But stressing on alliance
Assuring the reality of a real dreamer
Taught all the excellent skills of the cuisine
Inculcated all values and virtues
A true builder of self-esteem
An untainted source of encouragement
Serving as a good epitome to be imitated
Thou art a creature of a kind

Thou art the true helper
As antique tales unfolded
Being by him from dawn to dusk
Being effective in all aspects
Establishing measures for success
Even when it’s tough to access
Holding the ladder firm on the ground
Praying for a divine turnaround
Thou art selfless,
About thyself, thou careless
Went through thick and thorn
To lay smile on a face
Oh can the dove ever compete thy race?

Thou art the garden
Shouldering all the burden
Absorbing all nutrients
To give live to tender buds
Until they blossom
With all the smooth and soothing taste
Without thy effort being a waste
Today the seeds thou fostered and nurtured
Are enjoying bright sunshine unmeasured
Indeed thou art a creature of a kind!

Thou art the globe
That surrounds the dove with all possibilities
Protecting it from noxious sunshine
Creating room for its Star to shine
Thou gave the brightest smile
To assure it of the tendency to fly to the sky
When its colour got dimmed
By the little race of just a mile
Oh creature of a kind thou art

Thou art the soldier
That stands in the warfront
Serving as an affront
Between thy dove and the bullet
Fighting both in the realms and the physical
Lovely and tempest creature of a kind
Thou still fight for thy dove
Even after the nine uncomfortable months
Thou sleeps and waketh up empty within
But ensureth thy dove is always full
No ordinary soldier
Can fight a battle like thou do
Thou art a darling creature of a kind

Thou art a true lover aside thy Maker
The globe known and valued by it’s inhabitants
Thou merited many an appellations
From many a nations
The birds sing thy name on every tree

Thy handiworks are viral
And many celebrate thy existence and efforts
Thy tasks give birth
To a multi-million dollar question
As the dove continuously asks itself
Can I ever be like thee?

The study is full of diaries
Comprising thy memories and existence
Memories of giving the dove’s life a start
Memories of the brightest smiles
Memories of the battle and its ills
Memories of thy constant good examples
To indicate right from wrong
A memory that fades never
Dear creature of a kind
May these memories bring back
A love reflection from thy dove to thee

4 Comments on “CREATURE OF A KIND”

  1. Powerful message lovely friend.
    Indeed mothers are true lovers aside our makers

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