Like the bee suffocated and entangled
In a rubber, by the little village boy
That carry it like a play thing
Oblivion it’s the honey
That guarantees it’s very being
Like the bees
Our toes rest on the flowers
Our nose smell the fragrance
Our mouth transfer the pollens
Like the bees
We are the Queens of the hives
We can talk
Yes we can talk, talk, talk
For wrong to pave way for right
We unite, we ignite
We sting for justice
The cliché
We are weaklings, feeble
We can talk, we are soft
We are inferior in the STEM
We are complicated
Domesticity our main daily walk
But like the bees
We work from dawn to dusk
From twilight to evening star
From apron to zoot suit, for the honey
We are strong
We are many, many of us
We support, give our lasts
We are meek, we are fragile
We rage, we sting the oppressor
No one stops us, belittle us
No matter the smoke to tame
No matter the suffocation from the village boy
No matter the cliché
Like the bees
We multiply our kinds
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