Casting my eyes back to the ages
I remember, I remember
The muddy hovel
Where the cry of a little angel was heard
The thatch, the wooden window
When the sun creaks in at morn

Casting my mind back the ages
I remember, yes I remember
The joy of the young exuberant
The joyful playmates, never weary of ourselves
As we sing playful songs along
And spell out our celestial thoughts of tomorrow

Casting my mind back to the ages
I remember, I remember
The playful sand
Designed with luxurious castles or paradise
The empty tins carved in buildings or cars
The boys acting as Dada
The girls acting as Mama

Oh I remember, yes I remember
The innocence, the infancy
The pampering, the liberty
That moment when everything was celestial
I remember when we laugh genuinely
When the left hand washes the right wholeheartedly
Quarrel but get back together so sooner

The nostalgia, wish time never moved forward
It’s now little joy with much weary
Myriad responsibilities, getting dreary
But backward I can’t move
Where I for once, be in the paradise of infancy
I may say, it is wise and nice
To still be a child even in the adult race

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