The dreams of many are scattered,Hearts are being brokenAnd the souls filled with enthusiasm and passion are shattered. Dreams of yesterday, today and tomorrowCannot be forgotten; for time has heldA promise of making our future great. The world is looking up to us.Whatever we believe, we can always achieve. But no matter how hard achieving…
If I share not the message of the crossAnd if I give an empty look to the salvation of the worldThen in all things I count but lossFor what good again can I do to the dying world? If I can not share the goodness of the lossAnd if I can not ignore the pleasures…
Formed was IIn likeness and lifeBy His rod of mastery and perfectionWith a companion to stay by There in the paradise He laid meAnd His rain of blessings outpouredDominion; I receivedThen followed liberty, strength and peace beHe had hold of my hands I rested in His works instead of HimI adored the benefits instead of…
Oh you fleshly saints That know not the Father Yet make the Innocents gather And adore your spurious paints Oh you the heavenly ordained arachnids That spread on the Alter sweet scented incense But beneath the carpet is solace for Amadioha That fuels your messages with innocent bloods Oh you the chosen ones…