Life I know has two sides
Sometimes it embraces you with pleasures
Sometimes it overwhelms you with misery
What purpose do they serve me?
Often times I prefer the pleasure
I enjoy the leisure
With no wish for the second side
But what purpose do both serve me?
Should I embrace the pleasure it offers
And forget the Force that brought me into it?
Should I also become overwhelmed in misery
To curse the same Force that made me?
What I fail to reckon is that
The pleasures may not last
Nothing worldly last
The money, power, greatness, fame
They rust like a metal, wither like a flower
They make me slave to my desires
Neglecting the essence of others
The miseries tell me
Serve the Force that brought you here
Expand your kindness to others, even if it’s little
That way, you may not lack
When I befall you
That’s what you are made for
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Much love girl. Go for gold
Thank you ????
I like this????
Thank you
Good creative work done, keep it up unplanned baby????
Hey unborn baby????. Thank you