Your greatest achievement in life is the essence and vacuum the absence of your kindness leaves in the heart of others.

Don’t wait until you get rich before you extend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. You can be a slender arm but full of kindness. The ultimate foundational unit that will lead us all home is LOVE. Waiting to measures an amount of wealth before helping someone might no longer be of use to the person as time quickly flies. Someone might need your help today. Tomorrow, he might not live to receive it if you try postponing the help. In as much as we have people who hate or envy, it is an undisputable fact that we are all interdependent cos no man is an island.

This is the expression and notion many well-to-do individuals out embrace hence hindering them from love and assisting those who genuinely need it. But the truth is, even though they suffered to acquire what they have today, without certain concrete and abstract elements would be in vain. You can be a good writer, but without having someone to read and an opportunity to market what you have, your efforts are futility. So yes, you struggled to make ends meet but you were able to achieve that through people, opportunities, knowledge, etc which are not your own handiworks.

Even if you resorted to Spiritual Platforms to make it in life, it should tell you we are all interdependent so extending love and assistance to anyone who needs it pays genuinely.
If you think you exist alone, you should never forget that the essence of your existence was through someone’s loin and someone’s womb.
LIFE IS JUST LIKE THE THRONE OF A KINGwhere he reigns today and the next hour he is no more. The people you neglect today because your hands are soiled with money would be the most humble people to send you to the hospital when you weak on your sick bed,

They will be the ones to carry your coffin. Loving and investing in people is one way of fulfilling God’s purpose as A Christian and another way of building a perpetual family of help in situations where things turn against your your favour.

NOTE:The cars, monies and houses you are relying on today, also depend on one thing or the other to make your life meaningful. It takes fuel and the tyres for a car to be in motion and even the body parts are conjoined together. This is just to tell you that your wealth is not a guarantee that you an idea. You are Because Someone Is (UBUNTU).

Invest In A Soul Today and Show some love to someone irrespective of the race, colour, social status, ranks or be it an enemy too be you don’t know how much that would mean to him/her.

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