

Have you ever observed the serenity of the atmosphere in the early hours of the morn?
Have you seen how beautiful the sky is with its celestial lights shining down on earth?
Have you ever looked in the mirror to see how beautiful you look when you smile?
Or the thoughts of the rough you face has blinded you from seeing the beauty that surrounds you?
Are you immersed in a river of the odds of life that drowns you making you think the earth has no breathing space again?


Take a break from all that’s eating you up. Early dawn, look through your window and see how serene and refreshing it is. Enjoy the Beauty of the atmosphere, watch the birds sing to you and be drown in the peace it provides.

Adversities may come your way. You might have deviated from your goals. Your plans might be stalled due to circumstances beyond control, sicknesses may arrive, rejection might follow, depression might find a way but know that all these are just temporary.


Storms arrive once in a while disrupting the peace the sea enjoys, tossing and turning fishes, halting fishing of fishermen, drowning and breaking ships on sail but honestly, they don’t last long. Sometimes these things are bound to happen but stay firm and do not be derailed.

The world requires strong people that can build resilience and be a blessing to themselves and to others. Worrying about our wrongs, the bad things that happened to us, the problems that befell us will not change anything. Worrying about our confrontations does not matter. It will not change anything and we can not prevent them from happening. You need to get a shock absorber in your mind, your heart and soul that will make you stand tall through it all and this absorber is having a positive mindset. Stay Positive.

Everyone around the globe is facing one thing or the other that is why we need to care for each other. We need to work together to bring that change we desire in the world.

Once in a while, show someone how you care and how you long to see them smile. For instance, send them your favourite motivational music with encouraging words, take a picture of a beautiful flower and send to them, smile at people. These little things may not seem reasonable, less or more carry weight but if a certain percentage of people can do this it will go a long way to inspire others and create the world we yearn for.


In order to change the world, change your own world by staying positive then you will see how the rest will evolve around you. Let’s come together as revolutionaries to create our evolution. To change the world, Be the Change.

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  1. Well said dear.
    This world ???? is a beautiful place therefore, we must enjoy every bit of it while we still have the breathe of life ???????? in Us.

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