

Numerous are the things that are happening around the globe. We hear them on radio, we watch them on the television or other social media. Sometimes they get us scared, sometimes we feel for the victim and ultimately, we sort for peace. It is honest to also say that these media has lowered our self-esteem. We have been disturbed by flashy lifestyle of others that distort our peace leaving us in desperation.


Inner peace is a vitality that should not be underestimated. Having peace within you, makes you content with what you have, it gets you celebrate the success of others without envy, it makes you give compliments without jealousy, that peace within, makes you patient for your turn and it spreads across to living with others in peace.

It is absolutely OK to be compassionate towards others but do not let it rob you of your inner peace. It is also OK to admire the success or luxurious lifestyles of others but do not let distort the peace within and render your soul dismal and desolate.


There is so much beauty, so much love, so much creativity , so much potential that we can’t compete. Let’s not compare ourselves against others lest we literally destroy our peace of mind. You should understand that every individual is different and unique in their own way. Don’t try to dip your feet into shoes that were not prepared for your legs. Don’t sip from others’ coffee cup when you have your cup of tea untouched.

Make peace with everyone, family, friends, comrades, even strangers because this is a greater part that guarantees our own peace of mind. Do random kind acts, always be available with a helping hand. Sometimes making peace in others’ lives grant us the peace we all crave for.

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8 Comments on “PEACE”

  1. Life is always perfect when you know self Actualization , assertiveness and understand the real you .

  2. Peace is a principal thing.
    Anyone who says she doesn’t like peace ceases to be Man.
    Thank you Mon Amie

    May the good Lord establish you and make you great.

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